Freelancing & personal project 

Adobe suite, Blender, Figma


These projects reflect my creative development over time, including personal ventures and conceptual designs for both existing and fictional brands. Join me on this exciting journey as we delve into the world of design and discover the progress I’ve made along the way.

I believe that taking action is key, and these projects provide valuable opportunities for growth. Just by opening the design programs, I’ve already taken a significant step. Now, it’s all about unleashing my creativity and seeing where it takes me on this exciting journey.

Motion Design


1. First thing is that I try to sketch my ideas on paper whenever I have an idea or project. I feel more creative and free.

2. I use Illustrator most of the time to create the outline of my design. I like this part because I get to try out new things and play with the design even more.

3. Finally I use different softwares to create the final stage. This is the part that creates a pretty final result. It can either be with photoshop or blender. Usually I combine all programs together because of their unique advantages.
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